Our Apartment

Welcome :]
What you see when you open the door.
This is what you see from the living room.
Living room :]
More living room, I love this coffee table, I craft here often :]
Our teeny tiny bathroom :]
Our dinning area, and my most dead space :[
Our galley kitchen :]
My plate art, on the back wall of the kitchen...it matches my cookware :]
Our "hall closet" that is in our dinning area, part of my apron stash :]
Our bedroom, we only use that bedspread in the heat of summer :[
Our bed is usually covered with this adorable bed spread :]

Part of our bedroom, I refinished all of our furniture myself :]

This part of Carman's Corner is under construction, stay tuned for more updates and pictures! Pictures may change as the apartment changes...you know how indecisive I can be!